In the year 630 AD, Prophet Muhammad and his army conquered Mecca of the tribe of Quraish. At this time the Kaaba shrine is dedicated to the interests begin to Islam, the reconstruction of the Kaaba held before Muhammad became the Messenger. Kaaba shrine that is the embryo of Islamic architecture. Before Islam, the Kaaba walls decorated by a variety of images such as picture prophet Jesus, Mary, Abraham, idols, and some trees. The teachings that came later, mainly derived from the Qur'an, eventually prohibit the use of symbols which represent human beings and animals particularly.
In the 7th century, Muslims continued to expand and eventually get a very wide area. Every time Muslims get new areas of land, the first time they think is a place to worship, the mosque. Development of a mosque in the early moments of this very simple, no other mosque building a replica of the Prophet Muhammad's house, or sometimes a few buildings are adapted from existing buildings before, such as churches.
Influence and Style
Islamic architectural style that developed after striking new Muslim culture to integrate with the architectural style of Rome, Egypt, Persia and Byzantium. Examples of the most popular early example Dome of the Rock is completed in the year 691 in Jerusalem. Style striking architect of this building as a large living room and an open, circular building, and the use of recurring patterns calligraphy. Raya Mosque of Samarra in Iraq, completed in 847, with a typical building of the minaret. Also, the Hagia Sophia mosque in Istanbul, Turkey also influence the style of Islamic architecture. When Ustman seized Istanbul from the Byzantine Empire, they changed the basilica into a mosque (now a museum), the Muslims finally took some of the cultural riches of Byzantium into Islamic civilization, such as the use of the dome. Hagia Sophia is also a model for the construction of Islamic mosques sselanjutnya during Ustman empire, such as the mosque of Solomon, and Rustem Pasha mosque. A striking motif in Islamic architecture is always about the most recurrent patterns and rhythmic, and a circular structure. In the case of this pattern, fractal geometry plays an important role as a material in a pattern, in particular, mosques and palaces. Use of the dome is also equally important in Islamic architecture, first appeared in the Dome of the Rock in 691 years and came back around the 17th century.

Persian culture which is known to make contact with Islam for the first time. The east side of the river Euphrates and tigris is the seat of the Persian Empire around the 7th century. Because of its proximity to the Persian Empire, Islam tends to not only borrow from the Persian culture but also adopt. Islamic architecture adopted much of Persian culture, even to say Islamic architecture is an evolution of Persian architecture, which was since the presence of Islam, Persian glory began to fade a waiting replaced by another culture. Many cities, like Baghdad, built by the example of the old town for example Firouzabad persians. In fact, now we know that the two architects are employed by al-Mansur to plan the city in the early days was the legacy of the Persian Empire, which Naubakht, a Persian Zoroastrian, and a Jew from Khorasan, Iran is Mashallah. Persian-style mosques can be seen from the typical brick pillars, large garden and arches that supported some of the pillars. In East Asia, the Hindu architectural styles but also influenced by the depressed end of the Persian culture in its heyday.
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