Rebab (Indonesian Traditional Instruments)
Ki Cokrowasito play Rebab. 1950s photo from the album booklet "Sustainable - The Hoods Collection", Museum Collection Berlin. |
Rebab (Arabic: الرباب or رباب) is a stringed instrument that typically use two or three strings, this instrument is a musical instrument which comes from the Middle East and began to be used in Southeast Asia after the spread of influence from the Middle East.
Musical instruments that use a bow and have three or two pieces of rope from the strings of metal (copper) is his use jackfruit wood and hollow on the inside covered with dried cow skin as a loudspeaker.]
In Sundanese music, this tool is also used as an accompaniment of gamelan, as a complement to accompany sinden sing along with the harp and flute. In Javanese gamelan, rebab function not only as a supplement to accompany the singing sindhen but rather serves to guide the direction of the song sindhen.