
PACITAN - Hidden Beach Surfing-beach on the island of Java, Indonesia

    PACITAN (108 km east of Yogyakarta) has many beautiful caves and beaches that offers friendship with the locals while surfing. Visit Pacitan and discover hidden surf beaches on the island of Java, Indonesia.

    Pacitan  still sound unfamiliar to many people, most know him as the birthplace of President SBY. However Pacitan actually more than that. Beautiful caves hidden in the limestone hills of the stomach, while the steep cliffs protecting the stunning beaches with surf spots that make surfers always wanted to go back. The waves are nice, friendly locals, and beaches far from the crowds make the surfer addiction to come and mingle with the waves.

    Teleng Ria, the closest beach from downtown Pacitan, is the perfect place to start learning to surf or just swim. This beach is also equipped with a field for camping, kids games arena, as well as a hotel. Long coastline, bordered by Pancer Beach on the east which is also one of favorite places to surf.

    Beach Srau suited for surfers who are more reliable and want a more challenging waves. While Watu Beach Bags with a beautiful stretch of white sand has a wave which, according to the surfers are world-class waves. Bruce Irons and Rizal Tanjung is a professional surfer who was stroking his barrel.

    Not only the surfers who will be pampered. Klayar beach at the western end of Pacitan is a real example of beauty and keeksotikan south coast of Java. Stretch of white sand, coral-like Sphinx, perforated reef, marine fife and natural fountains make it a beach with an abundance of charm that is second to none.

    When the southern part of Pacitan studded with beautiful beaches, then other areas are dominated by limestone hills. Although a challenge for farmers, but these hills save tremendous tourism potential of the natural caves are beautiful. No wonder if Pacitan known as Cave City in 1001. One of the most phenomenal is Gua Gong which is supposedly the most beautiful caves in Southeast Asia. Meanwhile, wasp Cave has stalactites and stalagmites that can produce sounds in harmony with scales, so that often sounded and played by a group of artists from the local village.

    Pacitan geographical conditions make the population can not depend life from growing rice. Cassava eventually be excellent for agricultural commodities and also deposits of basic foodstuffs. One of the processed products are tiwul. For those curious to taste it, Sari Sea Restaurant in Jalan Solo Gandos Bu-Pacitan provides a menu complete with vegetable rice tiwul kalakan shark. You can also try Rice Lodo, ​​uduk rice served with coconut milk, ointment for vegetables, and cook the chicken coconut milk. Do not miss all the tempting variety of processed seafood taste or pecel famous Madison.

    From Yogyakarta to Pacitan

    Pacitan, about 108 km east of Yogyakarta, can be achieved in 3.5 hour road trip. There are no public buses, but a variety of travel options available to take your fleet at a cost of Rp. 40.000/penumpang (data th 2010). You also can use the services of a taxi or rental car. If you happened to be in Solo, you can take the bus majors Solo - Stone - Pacitan.
