
Museum Batik of Yogyakarta

    Museum Batik  of Yogyakarta is the first museum in Yogyakarta was founded on the initiative of Hadi Nugroho, owner of the museum. This private museum is located at Jalan Dr. Sutomo, Yogyakarta. The building is managed by Goddard couple and Hadi Nugroho. On May 12, 1977, this new museum was inaugurated by the Regional Office of P & K Yogyakarta Special Region. This museum inhabits an area of ​​400 m2 and once the residence owner.
    In 2000, the museum received an award from MURI for the work 'embroidery Greatest', batik measuring 90 x 400 cm2. Then in 2001, this museum was awarded the return of the founding of the Museum MURI as initiators of Indonesia's first embroidery.

    Now, the museum holds more than 1,200 collections of batik which consists of 500 pieces of batik cloth, batik cap 560, 124 canting (batik tool), and 35 pan and dye materials, including nights.
    The museum collection comprises various styles of batik of Yogyakarta, Solo, Pekalongan, and other traditional styles in the form of long cloth, gloves, and so forth. Motive motive mostly coastal, countryside, bright moon, and the motive esuk-afternoon.
    Some well-known collections include: Woven Long Java Soga (1950-1960), Soga Ergan Cain Long Lama (year not recorded), Isen-isen Gloves Antique (1880-1890), Sarong Isen-isen Antiques (kelengan) (1880 - 1890) made in the Netherlands Mrs. EV. Zeuylen from the Pekalongan, Java Soga and Long Gloves (1920-1930) made by Mrs. Lie Djing Kiem from Yogyakarta. All collections that exist in the museum is derived from the founding family of Yogyakarta Batik Museum. Collection eldest is batik made in 1840.
    Meanwhile, hundreds of other collections are the owner of the museum's own works include needlepoint picture first President Sukarno, former President Soeharto, Megawati Sukarnoputri, and Hamengkubuwono IX. In addition there are also portraits of heroes face Imam Bonjol and Prince Diponegoro. There are also embroidered the face of Pope John Paul II and Mother Teresa of India.