

    Understanding and Warok figure is still a matter of controversy, who actually deserves to be called Warok. Sometimes it is translated as someone who is known as someone who "master science" (ngelmu) in the sense Javanist.

    He also frequently serves as an informal local leader with many followers. In the scenery, the figure more visible as a bodyguard Warok / retainer of King Klana Sewandana (Warok young) or elders and teachers (Warok old). In the scenery, the figure depicted young Warok were practicing science process kanuragan, depicted with chest hairs beefy, bushy mustache and sideburns and a keen eye. While the old Warok described as trainers or supervisors who described bodied young Warok thin, long white beard, and walks with a cane.

    Warok initially described as a figure of the order processing kanuragan achievement in knowledge, not associated with women, but with the 8-15 year-old boy who often called gemblakan. Often the Warok also consuming liquor. But this time Warok has undergone a paradigm shift
    from wikipedia