Building a lighthouse designed by Sostratus from the direction Snidus Satrap (governor) Ptolemy I, a commander of Alexander the Great. After Alexander died, Ptolemy proclaimed himself king and led the development of new lighthouse. The building was put up during the rule of his son, Ptolemy II Philadelphus.
According to legend, Ptolemy Sostratus prevented by putting his name on the building. However, Sostratus also carved his name on the building footprint, and the inscription: Sostratus, Cnidia children Dexiphanes of this building dedicated to the gods, for the seafarer and explorer. Disorokkan inscription under a layer of plaster, and the outer one inscription written glorifying Ptolemy.
Fairy tales also states that a house fire can be seen from a distance as far as 56 km. The building was built using light-colored stone and has three share: a rectangular portion with a terrace just below the center, the eight sides of the middle and round the top. A large mirror which reflected sunlight placed mercunya, when fire is used at night. Sea god statues, Poseidon was established at its peak at the time of the Roman Empire.