
Jaipong Dance

    Jaipong Dance
    Jaipongan is a genre of dance that was born from the creativity of an artist from Bandung, Gugum Gumbira. His attention to folk art that one of them is making Tilu Tap right to know and recognize motion patterns perbendaharan dance traditions that existed at Kliningan / Bajidoran or Tap Tilu. Opening gestures, pencugan, nibakeun and several kinds of motion of several arts mincid above have enough inspiration to develop the dance or the arts that is now known by the name Jaipongan.

    Prior to this performing art forms emerged, there are some underlying influence of this social dance form. In West Java, for example, is the influence of social dance Ball Room, which is usually in a dance-dance association could not be separated from existence and pamogoran ronggeng. Ronggeng in social dance is no longer functioning for ceremonial events, but for entertainment or a way of hanging out. Performing arts in existence ronggeng charm that invites sympathy for the pamogoran. For example on Tilu Tap dance is so well known by the Sundanese people, it is estimated this art popular around the year 1916. As the folk performing arts, this art is only supported by simple elements, such as waditra that includes fiddle, drums, two kulanter, three percussion, and gongs. Similarly tarinya motions that do not have a standard pattern of motion, simple costumes dancer as a reflection of democracy.

    Along with the waning of the above art forms, the former pamogoran (audience who actively participate in the performing arts Tap Tilu / Doger / Tayub) switched his attention on the performing arts Kliningan, which in the North Coast region of West Java (Karawang, Bekasi, Purwakarta, Indramayu, and Subang ) known as Kliningan Bajidoran tarinya patterns or events that the show has some similarities with the previous art (Tap Tilu / Doger / Tayub). In the meantime, the existence of mask dances in Banjet quite popular, particularly in Donegal, where several motion patterns Bajidoran taken from the dance in this Banjet Mask. In koreografis dance is still reveals patterns tradition (Tap Tilu) which contain elements of the opening gestures, pencugan, and some range of motion nibakeun mincid which in turn become the basis Jaipongan dance creation. Some basic motions other than Tap dance Jaipongan Tilu, Ibing Bajidor and Mask Banjet is Tayuban and Pencak Silat.

    The emergence of dance works Gumbira Gugum initially called Tap Tilu developments, which are due to basic dance was developed from Tilu Tap. The first work Gugum Gumbira still very thick with color ibing Tilu Tap, both in terms of choreography and iringannya, who later became a popular dance called Jaipongan.
    from Wikipedia