
Great Wall of China Still Stunning to This Day

    China Great Wall or the Great Wall of China (Traditional Hanzi: 长城; Hanzi simple: 长城, Pinyin: Chángchéng), also known in China under the name Great Wall of 10,000 Li ¹ Throughout (万里长城; 万里长城; Wanli Chángchéng) is the longest building ever made by humans, is located in the People's Republic of China. Its length is 6400 kilometers (from Sanhai Pass area in the east to Lop Nur in the west) and height of 8 meters in order to prevent the incursion of the Mongols from the north at that time. The width of the top 5 m, while the bottom width of 8 m. Every 180-270 m made such a watchtower. High tower is 11-12 m.

    To create a giant wall, it takes hundreds of years at the time of the various emperors. Originally, it was estimated that Qin Shi-huang begin construction of the wall, but according to the research literature, history and records, the wall was already made before the Qin Dynasty stand, precisely constructed first on the Age of Fighting Countries. Emperor Qin Shi-huang continue development and strengthening the wall that was built earlier.

    After the death of Qin Shi-huang, making this wall had been halted and only resumed in the Sui Dynasty, the last was continued again at the time of the Ming Dynasty. Form of the Great Wall which we now see is the result of development of the Sun earlier era. The inside of the wall containing soil mixed with bricks and rocks. The top was made the main road for China horsemen.

    Great Wall of China is regarded as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. In 1987, the building is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site