

    Sanghyang is one kind of theater tradition in Bali that is presented in the form of dance that is religious and specifically serves as a dance repellent reinforcements or plague. Until recently, Sanghyang Dance is not held merely as a spectacle. Sanghyang dance is a Sanghyang  dance (trance) because conceded hyang, spirit, angel heaven, and other animals that have the destructive power such as wild boar, monkeys, or who have other magical powers).

    This dance is a Pre-Hindu cultural heritage which is intended as a repellent danger, is to open spiritual communication of citizens with the natural ga. This dance is performed by dancers daughter or son to the accompaniment of a choir of men and women who sing songs of worship. In the area of Sukawati-Gianyar, dance is also accompanied by Gamelan Palegongan.Di in this dance there are always three important elements of the smoke / fire, Gending Sanghyang and medium (person or doll).

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